Get started with Hook.Notifier

6 min readJan 30, 2023


This article aims to introduce you to Hook.Notifier, including its benefits, recommended introductory articles, and developer documentation.

What is Hook.Notifier and how does it work ?

Hook.Notifier allows you to collect notifications on your browser or phone just like an email address would for your emails. You can receive specific notifications from a variety of services, even those that don’t normally send notifications.

What you should know about Hook.Notifier:

  • No-code or low-code : Hook.Notifier integration is designed to be simple. We've worked out lots of articles that will allow you to receive notifications from your favorite services without having to code, or with only a few lines to add.
  • Phone and desktop : You can also access your notifications on your computer with the Hook.Notifier web app.
  • Quota : You have a daily notification quota. It is topped up every day at midnight. Each sent notification is debited from your quota. It depends on the plan you subscribed to.
  • Filters & tags : Each tag added to a notification creates a filtering category. You can disable the display of notifications by filtering them and also mute them to no longer receive notifications from that category.
  • Teams : You have the ability to invite users to share notifications. Your notifications, depending on their settings, can be sent to your entire team.
  • iOS app : The iOS app is in development and should arrive in Q1 2023. However, you can use the web app in the meantime.

An anthology of articles to begin without taking in mind.

Before bothering you with a lot of technological terms, which will please the purists, we propose you a selection of articles written by us to make your integrations as simple as possible.

These tutorials can be accessible to non-developers, just follow the No-code categories. These will guide you in setting up your notifications according to the chosen service.

Give us your feedback

On our official blog, at the end of each article you will find a feedback module, do not hesitate to tell us if you have succeeded in setting up Hook.Notifier for the article concerned and let us know the difficulties encountered.

You need an article about a service? Tell us!

Some articles for your CMS

Wordpress ecosystem

Receive notifications when users place an order, add an item to their cart or send you a message.

This article will explore different options for sending notifications within a Wordpress environment, ranging from fully no-code methods to custom development for more advanced users.

Read this article

Stay in touch with your Shopify

Fully use Shopify and connect it to Hook.Notifier to be as close as possible to your online store.

To be as close as possible to your Shopify online store, Hook.Notifier allows you in a few clicks to receive notifications when certain events such as the payment of an order or the removal of a product occur.

Read this article

Various tools

Zapier, connect everything with anything

One of the easiest ways to get started with Hook.Notifier and without any code knowledge. We fully recommend that you learn how to use Zapier.

Zapier is Hook.Notifier’s best ally, an amazing way to receive notifications from thousands of services without having to write a single line of code. It’s accessible, user-friendly and the possibilities are endless.

Read this article

Google Form, tool for creating online forms

A great tool to get feedback, stay on top of form submissions with Hook.Notifier.

Staying up to date on the submissions of your forms is essential, being able to review the results without having to navigate through anxiety-inducing websites is a luxury you can afford through the integration of Hook.Notifier through your Google Forms.

Read this article

HubSpot, inbound marketing

One of the most used CRM tool on the market, perfectly compatible with our notifications.

Connect HubSpot to your Hook.Notifier, receive notifications based on Hubspot events through workflows.

Read this article

Articles for your favorite development technologies

Nuxt / Vue.js, the progressive JavaScript Framework

Learn in a few lines how to send notifications from your vue.js application and your Nuxt server.

What a pleasure to be able to make your application interact with your phone. Discover how to send notifications from Vue.js and Nuxt.js with Hook.Notifier.

Read this article

Php, in curl we trust

Hook.Notifier is compatible with all technologies, including php.

Interact with your phone from your PHP server. Set up and send notifications quickly using Hook.Notifier.

Read this article

Let’s get into the hard stuff, the settings for developers.

For a developer, sending a notification via Hook.Notifier is very simple. It is, as the name suggests, a simple call to a webhook. Let’s take the time to examine and understand this call.

Your identifiers

When you register to Hook.Notifier, you will find your identifiers in your account. These keys take the shape of two parameters:

Identifier: 1667324818856 (e.g.)
Key: delicate-breeze (e.g.)

These parameters are and must remain secret, they may however be leaked during experiments. No need to worry, you can regenerate them in your account.

Your hook, url to send notifications

To send a notification, all you have to do is make an http call to our service. You have the choice GET or POST, but we recommend POST to be able to inject extra data inside your notifications. You will find your pre-composed url in your dashboard, here it is:


Of course, if you call this url like this, our server will return an error because several parameters are mandatory.

The parameters

About the format

Note that the parameters (except the inner data) must be passed as url parameters.
eg: ?object=…&body=…&…
You can use our query builder available at the bottom of the article on the official blog to make it easier for you.

You can find it with better layout in our blog.

Premium feature : You can also add data inside the notification, everything that is passed in body during a POST request will be recorded inside the notification.

If you like this article, feel free to connect with us on Twitter.

If you have any questions or special requests, such as needing clarification on the terms discussed in this article, more information on a specific part, or additional articles and tutorials, please feel free to provide feedback.

